We are pleased to invite firms to participate in an RFP for the Chief Louis Pharmacy, which is a project of 1475450 BC Ltd (a company owned and operated by Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc). This project is in Chief Louis Crossing, which is a commercial development property of Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc.

The project involves tenant improvements and fit out of the pharmacy as per the Issue for Tender (IFT) Drawings. The premise includes a dispensary with a pick-up window, two consultation rooms, a staff room, one washroom, a front-of-house area, and exterior signage. The Project Team includes:

  • VisionQuest Advisors Inc., Project Manager
  • Sahuri + Associates Architecture Inc., Architectural Design Services
  • Sc.wén̓wen Economic Development and Lakeside Scripts, 1475450 BC Ltd. Representatives

Additional detail is included in the RFP (see link below), including submission form and guidelines. The due date for responses is January 23rd, 2025 2 pm PST. Notice of the RFP invitation will be shared via both Sc.wén̓wen Economic Development and Tḱemlúps te Secwépemc channels.

Any addenda will be added to this post and/or via a new post (chieflouiscrossing.ca/news-events/).

All inquiries related to this RFP including any RFI, must be directed to projects@visionquestbc.ca referencing RFI-RFP-2025-CLX-304 in the subject line. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kukwstsétsemc (Thank you),

Chief Louis Crossing Pharmacy Project Team